
The Day of Graph Analytics


Note: consider this post as a continuation of the “Making it interactive” post by Orri Erling.

I have now completed the Virtuoso TPC-H work, including scale out. Optimization possibilities extend to infinity but the present level is good enough. TPC-H is the classic of all analytics benchmarks and is difficult enough, I have extensive commentary on this on my blog (In Hoc Signo Vinces series), including experimental results. This is, …

During the past six months we (the OWLIM Team at Ontotext) have integrated the LDBC Semantic Publishing Benchmark (LDBC-SPB) as a part of our development and release process.

First thing we’ve started using the LDBC-SPB for is to monitor the performance of our RDF Store when a new release is about to come out.

Initially we’ve decided to fix some of the benchmark parameters :

  • the dataset size - 50 million triples (LDBC-SPB50) * benchmark warmup …