TUC Meeting

Twentieth TUC Meeting


LDBC is hosting two-day TUC meeting in London on August 29–30 (Friday–Saturday), a few days before the prestigious VLDB conference takes place.

The call for talks will be published in the coming weeks.

Nineteenth TUC Meeting


Organizers: Alastair Green, Gábor Szárnyas, Benjamin Steer

LDBC is hosting half-day hybrid TUC meeting in London on December 13 (Friday).

The program consists of 15-minute talks followed by a short Q&A session. If you would like to participate (in person or remote), consider registering using our form – but walk-ins are also welcome!


Location: Andaz London Liverpool Street, Fenchurch room (first floor)

Start (GMT) Finish (GMT) …

Eighteenth TUC Meeting


Organizers: Shipeng Qi, Wenyuan Yu (Alibaba Damo), Yan Zhou (CreateLink)

LDBC is hosting a two-day hybrid workshop, co-located in Guangzhou with VLDB 2024 on August 30-31 (Friday-Saturday).

The program consists of 10- and 15-minute talks followed by a Q&A session. The talks will be recorded and made available online. If you would like to participate please register using our form.

LDBC will host a social event on Friday at the 3F Xingang …

Seventeenth TUC Meeting


Organizers: Renzo Angles, Sebastián Ferrada

LDBC is hosting a one-day in-person workshop, co-located in Santiago de Chile with SIGMOD 2024 on June 9 (Sunday).

The workshop will be held in the Hotel Plaza El Bosque Ebro (https://www.plazaelbosque.cl), which is two blocks away from SIGMOD’s venue. See the map here.


All times are in Chile time (GMT-4).

Each speaker will have 20 minutes for exposition plus 5 minutes for questions. …

Sixteenth TUC Meeting


Organizers: Oskar van Rest, Alastair Green, Gábor Szárnyas

LDBC is hosting a two-day hybrid workshop, co-located with SIGMOD 2023 on June 23-24 (Friday-Saturday).

The program consists of 10- and 15-minute talks followed by a Q&A session. The talks will be recorded and made available online. If you would like to participate please register using our form.

LDBC will host a social event on Friday at the Black Bottle gastrotavern in Belltown: …

Fifteenth TUC Meeting


Organizers: Gábor Szárnyas, Jack Waudby, Peter Boncz, Alastair Green

LDBC is hosting a two-day hybrid workshop, co-located with SIGMOD 2022 on June 17-18 (Friday-Saturday).

The program consists of 10-15 minute talks followed by a Q&A session. The talks will be recorded and made available online. The tenative program is the following. All times are in EDT.

We will have a social event on Friday at 17:30 at El Vez (Google Maps).

Friday ( …

Fourteenth TUC Meeting


LDBC was hosting a one-day hybrid workshop, co-located with VLDB 2021 on August 16 (Monday) between 16:00–20:00 CEST.

The physical part of the workshop was held in room Akvariet 2 of the Tivoli Hotel (Copenhagen), while the virtual part was hosted on Zoom. Our programme consisted of talks that provide an overview of LDBC’s recent efforts. Moreover, we have invited industry practitioners and academic researchers to present their latest …

Thirteenth TUC Meeting


LDBC is pleased to announce its Thirteenth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

LDBC Technical User Community meetings serve to (1) learn about progress in the LDBC task forces on graph benchmarks and graph standards, (2) to give feedback on these, and (3) hear about user experiences with graph data management technologies or (4) learn about new graph technologies from researchers or industry – LDBC counts Oracle, IBM, Intel, Neo4j, TigerGraph …

Twelfth TUC Meeting


LDBC is pleased to announce its Twelfth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

LDBC Technical User Community meetings serve to (1) learn about progress in the LDBC task forces on graph benchmarks and graph standards, (2) to give feedback on these, and (3) hear about user experiences with graph data management technologies or (4) learn about new graph technologies from researchers or industry – LDBC counts Oracle, IBM, Intel, Neo4j, …

Eleventh TUC Meeting


LDBC Technical User Community meetings serve to (1) learn about progress in the LDBC task forces on graph benchmark development, (2) to give feedback on these, and (3) hear about user experiences with graph data management technologies or (4) learn about new graph technologies from researchers or industry – LDBC counts Oracle, IBM, Intel, Neo4j and Huawei among its members.

This TUC meeting will be a one-day event preceding the SIGMOD/PODS …