Industry Relevance of the Semantic Publishing Benchmark
Publishing and media businesses are going through transformation
I took this picture in June 2010 next to Union Square in San Francisco. I was smoking and …
I took this picture in June 2010 next to Union Square in San Francisco. I was smoking and …
The Linked Data paradigm has become the prominent enabler for sharing huge volumes of data using Semantic Web technologies, and has created novel challenges for non-relational data management systems, such as RDF and graph engines. Efficient data access through queries is perhaps the most important data management task, and is enabled through query optimization techniques, which amount to the discovery of optimal or close to optimal execution …
In previous posts (Getting started with snb, DATAGEN: data generation for the Social Network Benchmark), Arnau Prat discussed the main features and characteristics of DATAGEN: realism, scalability, determinism, usability. DATAGEN is the social network data generator used by the three LDBC-SNB workloads, which produces data simulating the activity in a social network site during a period of time. In this post, we conduct a series of experiments …
The Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) is reaching a milestone today, June 23 2014, in announcing that two of the benchmarks that it has been developing since 1.5 years have now reached the status of Public Draft. This concerns the Semantic Publishing Benchmark (SPB) and the interactive workload of the Social Network Benchmark (SNB). In case of LDBC, the release is staged: now the benchmark software just runs read-only queries. This will be …