
OWL-Empowered SPARQL Query Optimization


The Linked Data paradigm has become the prominent enabler for sharing huge volumes of data using Semantic Web technologies, and has created novel challenges for non-relational data management systems, such as RDF and graph engines. Efficient data access through queries is perhaps the most important data management task, and is enabled through query optimization techniques, which amount to the discovery of optimal or close to optimal execution …

When talking about DATAGEN and other graph generators with social network characteristics, our attention is typically borrowed by the friendship subgraph and/or its structure. However, a social graph is more than a bunch of people being connected by friendship relations, but has a lot more of other things is worth to look at. With a quick view to commercial social networks like Facebook, Twitter or Google+, one can easily identify a lot of other …

The SNB Driver part 1 post introduced, broadly, the challenges faced when developing a workload driver for the LDBC SNB benchmark. In this blog we’ll drill down deeper into the details of what it means to execute “dependent queries” during benchmark execution, and how this is handled in the driver. First of all, as many driver-specific terms will be used, below is a listing of their definitions. There is no need to read them in …

Up until now we have introduced the challenges faced when executing the LDBC SNB benchmark, as well as explained how some of these are overcome. With the foundations laid, we can now explain precisely how operations are executed.

Based on the dependencies certain operations have, and on the granularity of parallelism we wish to achieve while executing them, we assign a Dependency Mode and an Execution Mode to every operation type. Using these …

Until now we have discussed several aspects of the Semantic Publishing Benchmark (SPB) such as the difference in performance between virtual and real servers configuration, how to choose an appropriate query mix for a benchmark run and our experience with using SPB in the development process of GraphDB for finding performance issues.

In this post we provide a step-by-step guide on how to run SPB using the Sesame RDF data store on a fresh install …