Seventeenth TUC Meeting

by Renzo Angles / on 18 Apr 2024
Location: Santiago de Chile
Event date: 09 Jun 2024 09:00 (local timezone)

Organizers: Renzo Angles, Sebastián Ferrada

LDBC is hosting a one-day in-person workshop, co-located in Santiago de Chile with SIGMOD 2024 on June 9 (Sunday).

The workshop will be held in the Hotel Plaza El Bosque Ebro (, which is two blocks away from SIGMOD’s venue. See the map here.


All times are in Chile time (GMT-4).

Each speaker will have 20 minutes for exposition plus 5 minutes for questions.

Time Speaker Title
09:00 Renzo Angles (U. Talca) Welcome
09:30 Alastair Green (LDBC Vice-chair) Status of the LDBC Extended GQL Schema Working Group
10:00 Hannes Voigt (Neo4j) Inside the Standardization Machine Room: How ISO/IEC 39075:2024 GQL was produced - slides - video
10:30 Calin Iorgulescu (Oracle) PGX.D: Distributed graph processing engine
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Ricky Sun (Ultipa, Inc.) A Unified Graph Framework with SCC (Storage-Compute Coupled) and HDC (High-Density Computing) Clustering
12:00 Daan de Graaf (TU Eindhoven) Algorithm Support in a Graph Database, Done Right - slides - video
12:30 Angela Bonifati (Lyon 1 University and IUF, France) Transforming Property Graphs
13:00 Brunch
14:00 Juan Sequeda ( A Benchmark to Understand the Role of Knowledge Graphs on Large Language Model’s Accuracy for Question Answering on Enterprise SQL Databases - video
14:30 Olaf Hartig (Linköping University) FedShop: A Benchmark for Testing the Scalability of SPARQL Federation Engines - slides - video
15:00 Olaf Hartig (Amazon) Datatypes for Lists and Maps in RDF Literals
15:30 Peter Boncz (CWI and MotherDuck) The state of DuckPGQ - slides - video
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Juan Reutter (IMFD and PUC Chile) MillenniumDB: A Persistent, Open-Source, Graph Database
17:00 Carlos Rojas (IMFD) WDBench: A Wikidata Graph Query Benchmark
17:30 Sebastián Ferrada (IMFD and Univ. de Chile) An algebra for evaluating path queries
19:30 Dinner