
Eighth TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium is pleased to announce its Eighth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a two-day event/eighth-tuc-meeting/attachments at Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shores facility on Wednesday and Thursday June 22-23, 2016.

This will be the second TUC meeting after the finalisation of the LDBC FP7 EC funded project. The event/eighth-tuc-meeting/attachments will basically set the following aspects:

  • Two day …

Seventh TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium is pleased to announce its Seventh Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a two-day event at IBM’s TJ Watson facility on Monday and Tuesday November 9/10, 2015.

This will be the first TUC meeting after the finalisation of the LDBC FP7 EC funded project. The event will basically set the following aspects:

  • Two day event with one day devoted to User’s experiences and one day devoted to benchmarking …

Sixth TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce its Sixth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a two-day event at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona on Thursday and Friday March 19/20, 2015.

The LDBC FP7 EC funded project is reaching its finalisation, and this will be the last event sponsored directly by the project. However, tasks within LDBC will continue based on the LDBC independent organisation. The event will …

Fifth TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce its fifth Technical User
Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a one-day event at the National Hellenic Research Institute
in Athens, Greece on Friday November 14, 2014.


10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 - 11:10 Peter Boncz (VUA) Welcome & LDBC project status update (Presentation)

11:10 - 11:25 Venelin Kotsev (ONTO) Semantic Publishing Benchmark:Short Presentation of SPB and Status

Feedback …

Fourth TUC meeting


The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce the fourth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a one-day event at CWI in Amsterdam on Thursday April 3, 2014.

The event will include:

  • Introduction to the objectives and progress of the LDBC project.
  • Description of the progress of the benchmarks being evolved through Task Forces.
  • Users explaining their use-cases and describing the limitations they have found in current technology. …

Third TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium is pleased to announce the third Technical User Community (TUC) meeting!

This will be a one day event in London on the 19 November 2013 running in collaboration with the GraphConnect event (18/19 November). Registered TUC participants that would like a free pass to all of GraphConnect should register for GraphConnect using this following coupon code: LDBCTUC.

The TUC event will include:

  • Introduction to the objectives and …

Second TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce the second Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.

This will be a two day event in Munich on the 22/23rd April 2013.

The event will include:

  • Introduction to the objectives and progress of the LDBC project.
  • Description of the progress of the benchmarks being evolved through Task Forces.
  • Users explaining their use-cases and describing the limitations they have found in current technology.
  • Industry …

First TUC Meeting


The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce the first Technical User Community (TUC) meeting. This will be a two day event in Barcelona on the 19/20th November 2012.

So far more than six commercial consumers of graph/RDF database technology have expressed an interest in attending the event and more are welcome. The proposed format of the event wil include:

  • Introduction by the coordinator and technical director explaining the objectives of the …