Announcing the LDBC Financial Benchmark Task Force

by Gábor Szárnyas / on 26 May 2022

We are delighted to announce the set up of the Financial Benchmark (FinBench) task force.

The Financial Benchmark (FinBench) project aims to define a graph database evaluating benchmark and develop a data generation process and a query driver to make the evaluation of the graph database representative, reliable and comparable, especially in financial scenarios, such as anti-fraud and risk control. The FinBench is scheduled to be released in the end of 2022.

Compared to LDBC SNB, the FinBench will differ in application scenarios, data patterns, and workloads, resulting in different schema characteristics, latency bounds, path filters, etc. FinBench is going to redesign the data pattern and workloads, including the data generation, the query driver, and also some other facilities referred to LDBC SNB.

The FinBench Task Force was approved by LDBC on May 16, 2022. The FinBench Task Force is led by Ant Group, and the initial members also include Pometry, Create Link, StarGraph, Ultipa, Katana, Intel, Memgraph (observer) and Koji Annoura (individual member). See the Work Charter for FinBench

If you are interested in joining FinBench Task Force, please reach out at info at or guozhihui.gzh at
