Record-Breaking SNB Interactive Results for GraphScope

by Gábor Szárnyas / on 26 May 2024

We are happy to annonunce new audited results for the SNB Interactive workload, achieved by the open-source GraphScope Flex system.

The current audit of the system has broken several records:

  • It achieved 130.1k ops/s on scale factor 100, compared to the previous record of 48.8k ops/s.
  • It achieved 131.3k ops/s on scale factor 300, compared to the previous record of 48.3k ops/s.
  • It is the first system to successfully complete the benchmark on scale factor 1000. It achieved a throughput of 127.8k ops/s

The audit was commissioned by the Alibaba Cloud and was conducted by Dr. Arnau Prat-Pérez, one of the original authors of the SNB Interactive benchmark. The queries were implemented as C++ stored procedures and the benchmark was executed on the Alibaba Cloud’s infrastructure. The executive summary, full disclosure report, and supplementary package describe the benchmark’s steps and include instructions for reproduction.

LDBC would like to congratulate the GraphScope Flex team on their record-breaking results.
