The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce its Sixth Technical User Community (TUC) meeting.
This will be a two-day event at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona on Thursday and Friday March 19/20, 2015.
The LDBC FP7 EC funded project is reaching its finalisation, and this will be the last event sponsored directly by the project. However, tasks within LDBC will continue based on the LDBC independent organisation. The event will basically set the following aspects:
- Two day event with one day devoted to User’s experiences and one day devoted to benchmarking experiences.
- Presentation of the first benchmarking results for the different benchmarks.
- Interaction with the new LDBC Board of Directors and the whole new LDBC organisation officials.
- Pre-event with the 3rd Graph-TA workshop organised on March 18th at the same premises, with a lot of interaction and interesting research presentations.
We welcome all users of RDF and Graph technologies to attend. If you are interested, please, contact [email protected].
Thursday 19th March
11:00 - 11:30 Registration, coffee break and welcome (Josep Larriba Pey)
11:30 - 12:00 LDBC introduction and status update (Peter Boncz) – slides
12:00 - 13:30 Technology and benchmarking (chair: Peter Boncz)
12:00 Venelin Kotsev (Ontotext). Semantic Publishing Benchmark v2.0. – slides
12:30 Nina Saveta (FORTH). SPIMBENCH: A Scalable, Schema-Aware, Instance Matching Benchmark for the Semantic Publishing Domain
12:50 Tomer Sagi (HP). Titan DB on LDBC SNB Interactive
13:10 Claudio Martella (VUA): Giraph and Lighthouse
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch break
14:30 - 16:00 Applications and use of Graph Technologies (chair: Hassan Chafi)
14:30 Jerven Bolleman (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics): 20 billion triples in production slides
14:50 Mark Wilkinson (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid): Design principles for Linked-Data-native Semantic Web Services slides
15:10 Peter Haase (Metaphacts, Systap LLC): Querying the Wikidata Knowledge Graph slides
15:30 Esteban Sota (GNOSS): Human Interaction with Faceted Searching Systems for big or complex graphs
18:30 - 20:00 Cultural visit Barcelona city center. Meet at Plaça Catalunya.
20:00 Social dinner at Bastaix Restaurant.
Friday 20th March
9:30 - 11:00 Technology and Benchmarking (chair: Josep L. Larriba-Pey)
9:30 Yinglong Xia (IBM): Towards Temporal Graph Management and Analytics
9:50 Alexandru Iosup (TU Delft). Graphalytics: A big data benchmark for graph-processing platforms
10:10 John Snelson (MarkLogic): Introduction to MarkLogic
10:30 Arnau Prat (UPC-Sparsity Technologies) and Alex Averbuch (Neo): Social Network Benchmark, Interactive Workload
10:50 Moritz Kaufmann. The auditing experience
11:15 - 11:45 Coffee break
11:45 - 12:45 Applications and use of Graph Technologies (chair: Atanas Kiryakov)
11:45 Boris Motik (Oxford University): Parallel and Incremental Materialisation of RDF/Datalog in RDFox
12:05 Andreas Both (Unister): E-Commerce and Graph-driven Applications: Experiences and Optimizations while moving to Linked Data
12:25 Smrati Gupta (CA Technologies). Modaclouds Decision Support System in multicloud environments
12:45 Peter Boncz. Conclusions for the LDBC project and future perspectives. slides
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch break
15:00 LDBC Board of Directors
19th and 20th March 2015
The TUC meeting will be held at “Aula Master” at A3 building located inside the “Campus Nord UPC” in Barcelona. The address is:
Aula Master Edifici A3, Campus Nord UPC C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Maps and situation
Finding UPC
Finding the meeting room
Getting there
Flying: Barcelona airport is situated 12 km from the city. There are several ways of getting from the airport to the centre of Barcelona, the cheapest of which is to take the train located outside just a few minutes walking distance past the parking lots at terminal 2 (there is a free bus between terminal 1 and terminal 2, see this map of the airport). It is possible to buy 10 packs of train tickets which makes it cheaper. Taking the bus to the centre of town is more convenient as they leave directly from terminal 1 and 2, however it is more expensive than the train.
Rail: The Renfe commuter train leaves the airport every 30 minutes from 6.13 a.m. to 11.40 p.m. Tickets cost around 3€ and the journey to the centre of Barcelona (Sants or Plaça Catalunya stations) takes 20 minutes.
Bus: The Aerobus leaves the airport every 12 minutes, from 6.00 a.m. to 24.00, Monday to Friday, and from 6.30 a.m. to 24.00 on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Tickets cost 6€ and the journey ends in Plaça Catalunya in the centre of Barcelona.
Taxi: From the airport, you can take one of Barcelona’s typical black and yellow taxis. Taxis may not take more than four passengers. Unoccupied taxis display a green light and have a clearly visible sign showing LIBRE or LLIURE. The trip to Sants train station costs approximately €20 and trips to other destinations in the city cost approximately €25-30.
Train and bus: Barcelona has two international train stations: Sants and França. Bus companies have different points of arrival in different parts of the city. You can find detailed information in the following link: