The LDBC consortium are pleased to announce the first Technical User Community (TUC) meeting. This will be a two day event in Barcelona on the 19/20th November 2012.
So far more than six commercial consumers of graph/RDF database technology have expressed an interest in attending the event and more are welcome. The proposed format of the event wil include:
- Introduction by the coordinator and technical director explaining the objectives of the LDBC project
- Invitation to users to explain their use-cases and describe the limitations they have found in current technology
- Brain-storming session for identifying trends and mapping out strategies to tackle existing choke-points
The exact agenda will be published here as things get finalised before the event.
All users of RDF and graph databases are welcome to attend. If you are interested, please contact: ldbc AT ac DOT upc DOT edu
We will start at 9:00 on Monday for a full day, followed by a half a day on Tuesday to allow attendees to travel home on the evening of the 20th.
Day 1
09:00 Welcome (Location: Aula Master)
09:30 Project overview (Emphasis on task forces?) + Questionnaire results?
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 User talks (To gather information for use cases?)
13:00 Lunch
14:00 User talks (cont.)
15:00 Use case discussions (based on questionnaire results + consortium proposal + user talks).
16:00 Task force proposals (consortium)
17:00 Finish first day
20:00 Social dinner
Day 2
10:00 Task force discussion (consortium + TUC)
11:00 Coffe break
11:30 Task force discussion (consortium + TUC)
12:30 Summaries (Task forces, use cases, …) and actions
13:00 Lunch and farewell
15:00 LDBC Internal meeting
Opening session:
- CWI – Peter Boncz – Objectives
- UPC – Larri – Questionnaire
User stories:
- BBC – Jem Rayfield
- CA Technologies – Victor Muntés
- Connected Discovery (Open Phacts) – Bryn Williams-Jones
- Elsevier – Alan Yagoda
- ERA7 Bioinformatics – Eduardo Pareja
- Press Association – Jarred McGinnis
- RJLee – David Neuer
- Yale – Lec Maj
Benchmark proposals:
- Publishing benchmark proposal – Ontotext – Barry Bishop
- Social Network Benchmark Proposal – UPC – Larri
19th and 20th November 2012
The TUC meeting will be held at “Aula Master” at A3 building located inside the “Campus Nord de la UPC” in Barcelona. The address is:
Aula Master Edifici A3, Campus Nord UPC C. Jordi Girona, 1-3 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Finding UPC
Finding the meeting room
Getting there
Flying: Barcelona airport is situated 12 km from the city. There are several ways of getting from the airport to the centre of Barcelona, the cheapest of which is to take the train located outside just a few minutes walking distance past the parking lots at terminal 2 (there is a free bus between terminal 1 and terminal 2, see this map of the airport). It is possible to buy 10 packs of train tickets which makes it cheaper. Taking the bus to the centre of town is more convenient as they leave directly from terminal 1 and 2, however it is more expensive than the train.
Rail: The Renfe commuter train leaves the airport every 30 minutes from 6.13 a.m. to 11.40 p.m. Tickets cost around 3€ and the journey to the centre of Barcelona (Sants or Plaça Catalunya stations) takes 20 minutes.
Bus: The Aerobus leaves the airport every 12 minutes, from 6.00 a.m. to 24.00, Monday to Friday, and from 6.30 a.m. to 24.00 on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Tickets cost 6€ and the journey ends in Plaça Catalunya in the centre of Barcelona.
Taxi: From the airport, you can take one of Barcelona’s typical black and yellow taxis. Taxis may not take more than four passengers. Unoccupied taxis display a green light and have a clearly visible sign showing LIBRE or LLIURE. The trip to Sants train station costs approximately €16 and trips to other destinations in the city cost approximately €18.
Train and bus: Barcelona has two international train stations: Sants and França. Bus companies have different points of arrival in different parts of the city. You can find detailed information in the following link:
The locations of the airport and the city centre
Bus map